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Course Evaluations

Here you can find the latest course evaluations for all our courses given in English. The grading used is 1 to 5, where 1 is bad and 5 is very good. Course evaluations for our courses given in Swedish can be found on our Swedish website Animal Behaviour BIOF08 Spring semester 2024 Summary of the course evaluationMost students were very positive, which is also our own impression of the course. Thes - 2025-02-09

Master programme in Aquatic Ecology

120 credits This master’s programme is focussed on current theories and models of aquatic ecosystems. You will study the relationships between watershed, atmosphere, lakes and streams, human impact on aquatic ecosystems, as well as restoration and sustainability. During this programme, you will receive extensive practical training in state-of-the-art aquatic methodology. You will learn how to perf - 2025-02-09

About this website

The Biology Education website is part of Lund University's web and use the same publishing system. The central web unit is responsible for the system and the technical aspects while the Department of Biology are responsible for the content. Processing of personal data Lund University processes personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, the Data Pr - 2025-02-09


Find all documents related to Biology education Kursöversikter/Course overviews på svenska och engelska KandidatexamensarbeteRegistreringsblankett alla kandidatexamensarbeten Information to supervisors of BSc degree projects obs! engelskaInformation - Hur man skriver en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattningBedömningsmall examination kandidatexamensarbeteMaster degree projectRegistration form for mast - 2025-02-09

Master programme in Conservation Biology

120 credits The rapid decline of ecosystems results in a global loss of biodiversity and thus there is an increasing demand for people working with environmental management. On the master’s programme in conservation biology, you will learn how to use modern ecology and genetics within management and restoration, as well as in studies on the loss of biological diversity. You will gain insight into - 2025-02-09

Plagiarism and cheating

The Department of Biology has a common policy for how to prevent and handle cheating, and at the same time encourage independent and academic thinking among the students. It is important for you as a student to understand not only that cheating is ’’formally’’ wrong and may have grave consequences, but also that it prevents your own development in thinking and working in an academic way. To ensure - 2025-02-09

Localities – access and regulations

This information will hopefully help you to get around in the Department of Biology. The department includes the Biology building (Sölvegatan 35) and the Ecology building (Sölvegatan 37). Access to our Buildings Biology buildingSölvegatan 35.The main entrance is A1, reached and visible from Sölvegatan and open until 17:00. Entrances B1 and D1, which are situated in the passage between houses B and - 2025-02-09

Safety regulations for students

The purpose of the safety regulations is to minimise the risks resulting in ill health and accidents associated with laboratory and fieldwork. General work regulationsAt the course introduction, you will get information regarding:House-specific safety rulesEmergency exitsEvacuation routesEmergency showersFor all course components involving lab- or field-work , a risk assessment has to be done in a - 2025-02-09

IT help for students

Some IT start-up-help for students at the Department of Biology The Student Portal To login in the student portal at, use your Stil account, don’t forget the ending part “-s”. Wireless network – Eduroam How to connect to Eduroam, first method Go to the wifi-list in your device and pick Eduroam. You will be prompted to type in a username and password. Use your stil-account, in this ca - 2025-02-09

Corona/Covid-19 and the education at the Department of Biology

This information was updated on December 19, 2022. There are no longer any covid-19 restrictions, so teaching is back to normal. This means that campus courses are given on campus and no general on-line alternatives are available. It is still important that you stay home when you are sick. Inform your course leader so arrangements for compulsory components can be made. If you are not fully vaccina - 2025-02-09

Master's programme in Evolutionary Biology

120 credits This Master’s programme is aimed at students who want to understand how evolution works – and why it matters. The programme provides an ideal foundation for doctoral studies as well as professions outside of academia. How do biological systems evolve? On the Master’s programme in Evolutionary Biology you will learn how to unravel the history of life by examining diversification, adapta - 2025-02-09

Master programme in Plant Science

120 credits This specialization will not be offered in 2025. Plants use intricate systems for growth, development, transport and metabolism to cope with adverse environmental conditions, but also have considerable capacity to adapt genetically to both biotic and abiotic factors. An understanding of the mechanisms that underlie these features is of fundamental importance for all biological discipli - 2025-02-09

Biology Master's Degree Project Registration Form

This is the registration form for your Master's Degree Project. Please confirm that you have read the instructions. I have read the degree project instructions (required) Name (required) First name and surname. Email (required) Please fill in your email address. Please fill in your date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd) (required) Please fill in your date of birth. Major in Biology (required) Please choose yo - 2025-02-09

Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Immunology and Infection Biology

120 credits The programme focusses on areas that play a central role in immunology and infection biology. You will take courses in microbiology, immunology and infection biology, during which theory is integrated with training of laboratory skills. You also have the possibility to achieve insights into the drug development process, from research to clinical use, and extensive training in oral and - 2025-02-09

Genetic Analysis BIOR92

7,5 credits The general aim of the course is that students on completion of the course should have developed a population genetic way of thinking and use this to plan and perform genetic analyses, including analyses of results from population genetics research. Course descriptionCentral for the course is population genetic theory and its applications. The course focuses on the gene, family and pop - 2025-02-09

Applied Bioinformatics BIOR93

7,5 credits The purpose of the course is for students to acquire a general understanding of bioinformatics concepts and tools commonly used in biology and molecular biology. You will be trained to conduct bioinformatics research with purpose of answering scientific questions in various biological subject areas. Course description Major technological advances in affordable nucleic acid sequencing h - 2025-02-09

Kursöversikter - Course overviews

Here you find course lists for students at the Department of Biology. In Swedish below. Course overviews and planning listsFind the courses offered by the Department of Biology presented by what time during the year that they are offered.Course overview 2024-2025 (pdf)For our master's students - please use the planning lists below, they show courses also from other departments which our programme - 2025-02-09

Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Microbiology

120 credits Knowledge about microbes and their diversity, physiology and genetics, as well as classical and modern tools to study them are important and highly relevant for work or research in many areas of biology, including molecular biology, infectious diseases and ecology. The Microbiology master’s programme provides education and training that is highly competitive and very suitable for emplo - 2025-02-09